Today, we finished drawing our Widgetware Building. I felt like I did a better job on the shading this time than on my previous drawings and I drew my lines more neatly. I did have a little hard time writing the "WIDGETWARE INTL" on the top of the building, but then Mrs. Story told me to make sure that I wrote the letters straight up and down - disregarding the slant of the drawing. I had to redo the letters at least three times to try and get them the most upright possible. And then the little person on top. I also had a hard time drawing him and I still don't think I got his proportions right, but I tried to copy the picture in the book the best I could. I really enjoyed learning how to draw this two-point perspective drawing, so I hope we will some more of these. But I ended up putting a fair amount of time into this drawing, so I think it came out pretty well. I'm excited, though to learn more about drawing and get into some other types of art too. 

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