After we took our quiz in class today, which consisted of drawing three boxes on the horizontal line, above the horizontal line, and below the horizontal line, we then started drawing a car. We started with the two vanishing points and then we drew a 90 degree line through the middle of the horizontal line. Then, we did the steps to make a box and figured out how to make an extra box in the front for the hood of the car. We only had 10 minutes left in class to draw this, because our quiz took up the rest of the time, so we weren't able to draw much. But, we will hopefully be able to finish it during the next class. And, Mrs. Story also said that we will be drawing whatever car we would like, so I'm really excited for that. So far, I think the outline of my car looks pretty good - I may have made it too big, but maybe it's better for it to be too big on the page than too small. But, I'm really excited to see what my car will look like when it's done.
10/9/2016 01:03:13 am

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