Because my last car that I brought in was not a front-side view, I was asked by Mrs. Story to make another one with the front-side view. I decided to pick a Range Rover because I have always liked Range Rovers and I thought it would be fun to draw this one. Like I had said on my last post though, the outline of the car just helped me get it's "shape", but the actual reality of the car came through the shading. I again used a piece of paper towel to smudge the lead together and make it have a softer feel. I tried to put enough detail into the wheels and front of the car so an observer could tell it was a Range Rover, but because I started on this car late and only had one day to complete it, I was not able to put all the time I wanted into it. Therefore, if I had more time, I would have worked more on the details and shape of the car. But, over all, I think I did a pretty good job on the car in a short amount of time and I was content with my result. 

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