After we finished drawing our car, Mrs. Story refreshed our memory on how to draw houses. She showed us how to draw the basic outline of the house, and then she wanted us to draw a house on our own with our own creativity. I started with two simple boxes on the horizon line and then added a third box above the horizon line to give the drawing a more creative style. However, I drew the first two boxes on the horizon line first and drew some detail on them to enhance the feel of the image and to use some of the "house" things Mrs. Story wanted us to add to our drawings. From her list, I added at least 8 windows, a balcony, an awning, and a few more things. However, I realized that I would make the house too much like the house Mrs. Story drew on the board, so I knew I needed to add another extra component to my house to enhance its feeling. I ended up adding the third box above the horizon line and made it into a tree house. I put the windows at different levels so I could show my creativity, I added both brick and stucco to the side of the house so I could show more texture, and I added 4 chimneys to the top of the roof to not only let that component of the house match with the other parts of the house, but also to put them up there for decoration without needing a standard roof. I then added a nice, large tree and a ladder that leads up to the house so an observer can tell how to enter and exit the building. Lastly, I furnished the yard with a few trees, bushes, and a gravel walkway. I am personally very pleased with my work on this. I was not expecting to end up with such an interesting drawing, but I actually really like it because it stands out from the drawings of normal homes. I also liked how I made a point to use all different types of texture: brick, stucco, wood, and stone. Like I said earlier, I am really pleased with how this drawing turned out.

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