Today, we completely finished our house drawings and learned how to draw skyscrapers. We started out with 2 vanishing points, but then we added a 3rd to the bottom of the page and started drawing our figure on that. After we had created our rectangular box, we then added windows to enhance the feeling. We then turned our paper to the other side and Mrs. Story showed us how to make a morphed building. In this drawing, we not only used the 3 vanishing points, but we also added a 4th point to the top middle of the page and another point to the left but below the horizon line. We drew the lines from the top vanishing point to the bottom vanishing point and then made the line curved at the middle point. We did this 2 other times and then we added in our lines to make the windows and we smoothed out the point where the lines meet by making the lines curved. I started drawing this morphed building up above, but as you can see I'm not yet finished with it. It does look very interesting, like part of the building is coming towards you while the other parts are straight up and down but towards different points. I really do like what I have done on this drawing so far. I would like to finish it up and make the lines more curved and darker so it looks more natural, but over all, I really like how I was able to use all 4 vanishing points to create such a unique image.

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