Today, we took a quiz using the "clock" method to draw the boxes on the table. For using the "clock" method, one holds the ruler or triangle tool straight to the picture and just turns the tool around to line up an edge with the edge of a box. Then, one quickly transfers that angle to his paper and after a while, the boxes all start to look real. After I had somewhat mastered this method, I then took my pencil and shaded the sides of the boxes to make it look more realistic. However, I did have a hard time figuring out the "clock" method, because every time I got the angle set up right, I couldn't transfer it properly to my page. And then the angles for each of the boxes were not proportionate, so I really had to work hard to get the boxes to look real and stacked on each other. But, for the time I had to draw this, I think I did a pretty good job. Of course, I could always work more on the new "clock" method, but because it was only my second time drawing the boxes using that method, I think I did a pretty good job.

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