Today, we went to the outside of the Hendrix-Chenalt Theater and attempted to draw what we saw. I decided to sit on the floor a little to the right of the theater. We were allowed to either use vanishing points or the "clock" method, so I decided to use the "clock" method to practice it, especially since I wanted to make my drawing bigger than what the drawing would look like if I had used the vanishing points. I think I might need to use the vanishing points next time because my drawing came out completely disproportionate and it didn't even end up having the right angles. I really did try to make it look the most realistic as possible with the time we had to draw it, but I just couldn't get it down. Thankfully, this was just a practice drawing so it actually didn't count, but we will be drawing the real thing in the next class. But, when I start that drawing, I will have Mrs. Story make sure I'm setting every thing up right and then I will try to enhance the drawing from there with every thing I have learned this semester. I hope it will come out better than this drawing!

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