Today, we officially started drawing the Hendrix-Chenalt theater. For the last class, we just drew a practice of the theater in one class period so we could know what to change for the real drawing. But for this time, we have four periods to draw it. However, it is a major grade so we really have to pay attention to all the angles and details of the theater. I felt like I knew what I needed to fix from my old drawing, so I was able to work on that today. When I first drew the theater, I wanted to use no vanishing points and just do it by sight. But, it came out all wrong. So, today I used the vanishing points, which really helped me not only get the proportions but also the lines for each of the panels in the wall. Even though the drawing I drew today is much smaller from the drawing I drew yesterday, it is in proportionate and has more details. I am really happy with what I have drawn so far. We have three more class periods to finish it up, so I think that will give me enough time to draw in the extra parts of the theater, i.e. the stairs, the hallways on the side, the ramp, and the wall above the theater entrance. I can already see my improvement in this drawing from yesterday, so I am really excited to add on more to it and see how it turns out.

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