Unfortunately, I was not able to finish my drawing today of the printing press rolls. So, I am not sure if I should either move more quickly through class and just do a quick sketch or actually put some more time into the details. The drawing on the right was just a sketch for me to use to help me draw the other picture on the left. Even though at first I was somewhat skeptical how I would be able to make something come alive out of a few lines, I was amazed at the end of the class that I had actually drawn something! Not that I didn't know "how" to draw, I just haven't had much experience by starting the drawing with lines and then adding on to enhance it. I also self-taught myself to press my pointer finger onto my shading areas in the drawing to make the shadows blend together and create an overall softer feeling. I had not known that little trick beforehand, and so when I thought of doing it and tried it out, I was amazed at how well it worked. However, I would like to finish my drawing sometime soon so I can feel more accomplished and know that it is done. Overall though, I had a blast in class today and thought the time period went by way too fast.

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