Today, we spent more time working on our theater drawing. I immediately started working on the side stairs. I made the railings slant and tried to make the stairs look like they are going up instead of going nowhere. I struggled a bit with the actual steps of the stairs, but after Mrs. Story pointed out where I went wrong, I was able to fix it and I think it looks pretty realistic now. I also added the window, picture, and another railing at the top of the stairway to show where the stairs are going. Because our class period was only 45 minutes, we had limited amount of time to really work on our drawing. So, I ended up the day by drawing the little lights at the ceiling of the theater.
    I think I can be done with this drawing in two more days. I have already sketched the outline of the theater, so all I have left to do is to shade in the drawing and make a few things a bit more proportional. Over all, though, I really like how my theater is turning out. I didn't think I would be able to get the proportions right, but I think my proportions are very good in this drawing so far.

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