Before we started working on our theater today, Mrs. Story briefly showed us how to shade. She said to use a certain type of pencil with a number and the letter B beside it, like 3B and 6B to get the right type of lead to shade in your drawing a certain way. She also said that the smaller the number is, the lighter the lead it will be, while the bigger the number is, the darker the lead will be. Today, we used both pencils, 3B and 6B. When we finally went down to the theater to draw, I only worked for 5 more minutes on sprucing up my drawing before I started shading. I just erased the attempted windows on the left side of the stairs, re-arranged a line on the ceiling, and drew in the people in the pictures above the theater. Then, I started my shading. I decided to start with the floor. Mrs. Story said to angle the special pencil in such a way to not make streaky lines. I did that all the way across and then I did another layer of lead all the way across the other way. Then, I used a paper towel to smudge my lines together to make it have a softer feeling. I started to work on shading in my Hendrix-Chenault Theater wood panels, but I ran out of time. Hopefully, I will be able to finish this piece the next time we have class. But, I am really happy to see how my drawing has changed over these last few days. Scrolling through my last few blogs on the theater and seeing the changes I have made has really impressed me with how well. I just can't wait to see my finished product!

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