Today, we started on a new project. But this drawing is a practice of what we will be drawing the next time we have class. What we will be drawing is a perspective of the inside of the Upper School from inside the back hallway (where the cafeteria is). Everyone can draw different things; i.e. I am drawing the wall and hallway that goes towards the front of the building, while other people are drawing the doors to the cafe, the hallway to the gym, or the doors that go outside. So, we're not limited in drawing one thing, which I like because then everyone's drawing will be a little different and not just the same thing. But, I decided to draw the hallway and wall that goes towards the front of the building. I chose this spot not only because one other person is drawing the same thing, but instead, I really like the view that I have from my perspective. of the one, nice hallway and wall to the left of it. So, I started with drawing the hallway, in which I used the one-point perspective and drew all my lines to that one point. I decided to go ahead and fill in the details to make it look more realistic (because this is for practice anyway,) but I really like how my drawing has looked, so far. I made my proportions right and I made it the right size. I think it's a little crooked on the page, so I will have to fix that, but over all, I really like how it is coming out. I actually like this drawing better than the theater because with the theater, you are closer up to it and with this drawing you are farther away so you have a better feel of what/how you should draw it. But, I will definitely want to keep where I am in the building but just make my drawing look even better next time. 

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