We only had 45 minute classes today, so I was limited on how much work I could actually get done. I ended up finishing the flooring, with the exception of erasing the extra lines, which I will for sure do the next time we have class, and I drew 2 air conditioning vents on the ceiling. I also started some shading on the left wall. I tried to make the front part look a little lighter than the corner to give it an in-depth feeling. For my next class, I will erase the unnecessary lines on the floor and will start shading in the rest of my drawing. For the doors to the right that have the student I.D. sign on them, I'm not too sure if I should write Campus Store on the top or not because I can kind of see the letters where I am sitting but I'm not too sure how to draw their angle. So, I'll ask Mrs. Story about that in the next class. I also would like to re-draw my EXIT sign on the ceiling because I just realized that it is kind of small in proportion to the other things on the ceiling. But over all, I am very pleased with my drawing and I am happy that I can actually finally get my proportions right! :)

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