For the past two days, I have been redrawing each of my lines with a black pin point pen. Mrs. Story said to do this because we will cross hatch our drawing - another form of shading. For the bottom drawing, I was only able to finish the hallway and part of the left wall in one day. I actually think that redrawing over my lines makes the drawing have another feel to it. Instead of it being just a somber piece with pencil lines, I like how the dark pen draws out the intensities between black and white in the drawing. And, it is also easier to see. The next day, I finally completely finished redrawing all of my lines in the top photo.
   After we finish redrawing our lines, we're going to do is to erase all the pencil marks in the drawing. It kind of sounds scary to me, though, because I don't want to loose that perfection in my pencil lines, but I know I will have to erase them anyway, and I'm pretty sure it will look prettier in the end with just the pen marks and not having the pencil marks smudging against the drawing.
    We also saw other examples of student's works to have a feeling of what we will be doing. I actually really like how a lot of the student's works turned out and I hope my drawing will look as good as theirs. I haven't done this new type of shading before, so I'm excited to see how it will turn out.

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