Today, I started cross-hatching my drawing. I at first went up to the second floor again to see examples of what other students had done, and then I came back down and erased all my pencil lines. After that, I then started filling in some of my drawing. I tried to make things look lighter/darker in their areas, but I don't think it worked out too well. However, I added dots to the ceiling to give my drawing more variety, and I shaded in my diamonds on the floor using curved lines. I sort of like how it looks, but I really messed up on the upper left corner. I guess I'll have to try and fix that tomorrow. So far, I'm not too sure if I want to leave my drawing black and white or add color. I think keeping the drawing in black and white shows the different tones, but I also like the color. I hope my drawing doesn't look too bad. I probably won't do much more cross-hatching to it, just because I don't want it too look too busy. I'm a little disappointed at how it's turning out, but I think I might be able to fix my mistakes in the next class.

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