Today, I finished working on my palette for painting. I tried to paint inside the lines the best I could. The only issue is is that my hand shakes (even when I put it down on the table). I don't know why it does that, but it has always shaken a little when I try to hold it still, so that makes painting extra hard when you want to keep lines straight (and you can't use a ruler). But, the places where I did go over the lines, I tried to cover up with white paint. Besides finishing the palette, I also took a color quiz. I got a 100% on it, so I guess I don't need to explain any of my answers. I thought it was a little challenging, just because I couldn't really tell what the colors were, but I guess I got lucky. :) For the next class, we are supposed to bring in a picture of a famous person or just a picture of ourselves to paint. I am going to be bringing in a picture of Alison Krauss, one of my favorite musicians. I'm excited to start working on this next project and I hope to be able to learn some techniques to how to keep my hand still when painting.... :P

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