Today, I finished painting the background of my drawing and started to paint my person's hair. I decided to paint the background a monochromatic blue color. I used pale blue, light blue, blue, darkish blue, and dark blue. I really like how it's turned out and I think it will be a nice background to the person who I am now working on. After I finished painting the background, I then started painting the person's hair. I've decided to make her hair a dark brown/brown color, even though that is not the original color of her hair. But, I asked Mrs. Story if I had to paint her hair the exact color that was in the picture, and she said no, so I decided to make up my own colors that still sort of relates to her hair, but are different. In the next class, I hope to keep painting her hair but also start to add extra patterns to the blue background. Originally, we were supposed to add circles to each square, but I asked Mrs. Story if I could do something a little different and add squares inside of the square instead. She told me that was fine, so I'll hopefully be adding those in the next class too. 
   When we first started this project, I had a hard time painting the lines really straight because I have a slight jitter in my hands. I don't know why, but my hands have always shaken a little, ever since I was a child. So, this has really prevented me from painting straight lines. But thankfully, I have learned a new technique! Instead of just holding the paintbrush in one hand or having my hand sit on the desk, I've figured out that if you hold the paintbrush with your writing hand and then put your other hand on your writing hand to make your hand steady, you can easily paint the lines straight by holding the paintbrush with both hands. It might look/feel a little odd, but it really works. 
   But, like I had said before, I'm really excited to see how my painting will turn out. I really like the person I am drawing and I like the colors I am painting on  the canvas. 

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