In this drawing, we were able to add on to our basic skills of the horizontal line and vanishing point. As I mentioned in the previous post, we also enhanced the picture by drawing telephone poles, the road, the fence, the spiders, and even the space crafts in a line so they are seen in 3D. I do have to admit though, that I did have a little hard time with drawing the spiders and the clouds. I normally can look at the picture and draw what I see, but this time I really struggled with the spiders and clouds. If I had more time to work on it, I would probably make the mountains bigger, the fence lines darker, and the road darker. But by quickly sketching this drawing in two class periods, I think I did okay with it overall. Interestingly though, I have always struggled with drawing moving objects. I draw still objects best, so I would really like to work on that this semester. Overall, with the amount of time we had to draw this picture, I think my sketch came out pretty well - a few errors, but I really did try my best to make it look realistic.
7/1/2024 09:33:28 pm



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