After we finished drawing our road, we then started to draw a school hallway. By using our vanishing point, we drew the corridor of the hall and then drew the sides of the walls and ceilings, thus showing perspective. Then, we learned how to set the doors in the wall by first drawing the outline of the door and then drawing different lines to push the door back. We drew windows and doorknobs on each door and spread each door far enough apart by drawing 90 degree lines from one side of the room to the other, thus, giving the observer a feel for the 3D dimension and reality of the room. Today, we finally finished the drawing, and added extra objects to enhance the atmosphere of the school corridor. We drew a trashcan, a poster board, patterns on the floor, and fluorescent lights in the ceiling. We completely finished the drawing by using shading to touch it up and make it feel even more realistic. For this drawing, I felt like I did a pretty good job in perspective and shading for the time I had. But, I am excited to learn more techniques about drawing so that by the time I leave this course; I will confidently be able to draw pretty much anything.

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