I really enjoyed my time in Foundations this year. I liked how Mrs. Story taught us in depth about art, instead of just staying on the surface. Like, we learned about vanishing points, perspective, and shading techniques. In the art classes I've taken before this one, I was not properly introduced to those techniques. Therefore, I'm really happy that Mrs. Story taught us how to do those things and I'm also happy that we did not only do drawing, but also some painting. I was able to learn the techniques Mrs. Story taught us and also figure out some tricks while I practiced my drawing and painting skills. The only two things I would change about this class, is 1. be able to play music while we work on our art. I'm fine with Mrs. Story playing her music, but I just like to have music on while working. And 2. I don't think this class should have any quizzes/tests. Although I did well on every one of them, I think art should be fun, not making the students have to not look forward to the class to take a quiz. Besides, I don't think they really helped me. I mean, it's fine if Mrs. Story assigns lots of assignments, but it's just annoying to study for a quiz in art.
    But, I'm very happy with my progress in this class. I have learned so much more than what I could've learned on my own. I have very much improved. Before, I could barely draw anything/paint anything. But, by using Mrs. Story's techniques, I am now able to draw in perspective and be able to shade correctly. I can also now figure out how to draw things by just looking at them.
    I've always been a more artsy type of person, but the irony is, is that I could never draw anything without making myself look completely stupid. :P Now, I'm able to show my art talent that Mrs. Story has taught me and can apply it to my everyday life. Even before I was enrolled in this class, I have liked to draw and at least, attempt to draw things in my house, in the car, or somewhere else. I've always wanted to be good at art, I've just never had the opportunity, (especially since this is my first year at Lovett, and my old school did not have an art program, so I haven't known about any tricks to drawing). But now, I am so happy and proud to say that I can finally draw something without me making myself look stupid or the drawing in itself look stupid.
    Yes, I am taking another art class next year during the spring semester. I am going to be taking Advanced Drawing, after Mrs. Story's recommendation and also because of my own interest in drawing. I feel like drawing is my strength in art and I would like to pursue that.
    Anyhoo, as I have said before, I have really enjoyed this class and I thank Mrs. Story for being patient with me, especially when I made really big mistakes on my artwork. :)

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