I have finally finished my cross hatching. I drew a few more lines on the walls to spruce it up a bit, finished shading the floor completely, and shaded in the brick wall behind the hallway window. I"m actually really pleased with how this has come out. My favorite part of my drawing is still the apple box, just because I like how I drew the actual box and decorated it, but I still like the different types of cross hatching in my drawing, and the different light tones. I'm not sure if I'll be coloring it in next or not, but I like this finished product better than when I just had to plain old pencil lines.
    Today, I worked diligently on making more pen marks on my drawing. I added more shading in onto the flooring, added dots on the tile walls to show their texture, darkened in a few areas that needed to be darkened, and added a few simple lines to the lightly colored wall above the tiled wall, but below the ceiling. Yesterday, I was a little upset with how my drawing was going. So today, I asked Mrs. Story what I needed to do differently and she told me that I needed to take more time in making my lines more precise. I followed her directions and my drawing looks a lot better! I actually kind of like how it looks now. It is still busy looking, but it looks cleaner and by the time I completely finish my cross hatching, I think my drawing will look fine with all the different types of shading. I will probably take one to two more days touching up my shading, and then I will either color it in or keep it black and white. Either way, I think my drawing will turn out better than what I originally thought it would, and I'm excited to see if my cross hatching actually makes a difference on how my drawing will look.
    Today, I started cross-hatching my drawing. I at first went up to the second floor again to see examples of what other students had done, and then I came back down and erased all my pencil lines. After that, I then started filling in some of my drawing. I tried to make things look lighter/darker in their areas, but I don't think it worked out too well. However, I added dots to the ceiling to give my drawing more variety, and I shaded in my diamonds on the floor using curved lines. I sort of like how it looks, but I really messed up on the upper left corner. I guess I'll have to try and fix that tomorrow. So far, I'm not too sure if I want to leave my drawing black and white or add color. I think keeping the drawing in black and white shows the different tones, but I also like the color. I hope my drawing doesn't look too bad. I probably won't do much more cross-hatching to it, just because I don't want it too look too busy. I'm a little disappointed at how it's turning out, but I think I might be able to fix my mistakes in the next class.
    For the past two days, I have been redrawing each of my lines with a black pin point pen. Mrs. Story said to do this because we will cross hatch our drawing - another form of shading. For the bottom drawing, I was only able to finish the hallway and part of the left wall in one day. I actually think that redrawing over my lines makes the drawing have another feel to it. Instead of it being just a somber piece with pencil lines, I like how the dark pen draws out the intensities between black and white in the drawing. And, it is also easier to see. The next day, I finally completely finished redrawing all of my lines in the top photo.
   After we finish redrawing our lines, we're going to do is to erase all the pencil marks in the drawing. It kind of sounds scary to me, though, because I don't want to loose that perfection in my pencil lines, but I know I will have to erase them anyway, and I'm pretty sure it will look prettier in the end with just the pen marks and not having the pencil marks smudging against the drawing.
    We also saw other examples of student's works to have a feeling of what we will be doing. I actually really like how a lot of the student's works turned out and I hope my drawing will look as good as theirs. I haven't done this new type of shading before, so I'm excited to see how it will turn out.
      We only had 45 minute classes today, so I was limited on how much work I could actually get done. I ended up finishing the flooring, with the exception of erasing the extra lines, which I will for sure do the next time we have class, and I drew 2 air conditioning vents on the ceiling. I also started some shading on the left wall. I tried to make the front part look a little lighter than the corner to give it an in-depth feeling. For my next class, I will erase the unnecessary lines on the floor and will start shading in the rest of my drawing. For the doors to the right that have the student I.D. sign on them, I'm not too sure if I should write Campus Store on the top or not because I can kind of see the letters where I am sitting but I'm not too sure how to draw their angle. So, I'll ask Mrs. Story about that in the next class. I also would like to re-draw my EXIT sign on the ceiling because I just realized that it is kind of small in proportion to the other things on the ceiling. But over all, I am very pleased with my drawing and I am happy that I can actually finally get my proportions right! :)
    Today, I worked with Mrs. Story on my flooring. We had decided that my other flooring did not look quite right, so she showed me a really easy way to draw it. All you have to do is first see how many rows you want of the diamonds, then you find the right measurement to each row, and then you find the middle of each row and draw criss-cross lines in each box to find where the diamond should be. Once I had drawn that, I then went ahead and shaded in all the spots where my diamonds would meet. All I have left to do on the flooring is shade in the rest of my diamonds and erase the extra lines. I also finished drawing my lights on the ceiling. Again, I followed Mrs. Story's directions by first drawing a triangle and then making lines in the triangle to make it look like a round light. And then all I have left to do with my whole drawing is finishing the tiles on the walls, finish the floor, and finish my shading. But, I'm still really excited to see how this will turn out. I'm happy I did fix my floors because they now look proportional and they don't look sloppy.
    We are on one of our final days of drawing the inside of the Upper School building before we head off to break. Today, I made many of my lines darker under Mrs. Story's request so I could see my lines more easily in the picture. I also added on more tiles for the right wall, 2 lights on the ceiling, and I attempted to draw the floor. However, I realize the diamonds on the floor aren't slanted enough because from the perspective I'm drawing this, the diamonds should be almost flat and these are not. So, I'm having Mrs. Story help me tomorrow on the floor and making my drawing look perfect. :) However, I also added square tiles on the floor in front of me and made sure each of the lines connected back to my 1-point vanishing point. I really am excited about how this drawing is turning out. I especially like my hallway and the apple box in the corner. :) But, all I have left to do is to finish the lights on the ceiling, the diamonds on the floor, a few more details everywhere else, and the shading. I have one more day tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to finish this up then. :)
    Today, we worked more on our drawings of the inside of the Upper School. I added the right wall with the Upper School Campus Store door, the ceiling, the TV above the left wall, and other details to help enhance the reality of the drawing. I will probably need two more days to add just a few more details and do the shading. All I really have left to draw is the floor, the tiles on the walls, the lights on the ceiling, and the shading on my whole drawing. But, I really like how my drawing has turned out. I also like the place I decided to draw, not only because of the normal things that people see everyday, but also because it's from a different perspective in which many people, like me, do not realize the details behind the artwork of the making of the Upper School building. Yes, they see the left wall and the hallway in the middle, but they rarely stand right next to the Campus Store door and gaze at all the details in the room. Actually, until I started this project, I had not known the walls were made out of square tiles, not rectangular tiles, and the ceiling was decorated with cool, circular lights. By doing this project, it has made me more aware of my surroundings and the many details of the Upper School that I miss seeing everyday as I walk by. Again, I am very pleased with how well my drawing has turned out. And I can't wait to keep working on it more for next class!
    Today, we started working on the real drawing of the inside of the Upper School. I decided not to redo my drawing, as I thought it would be best to go with what I had, not only for timing but also because it already looked good. Today, I just touched up some lines in the hallway and added another wall to the left of the hallway. Because there was an apple box in the way on the lower left corner, it made me not see the angle in the wall, so I decided on drawing the box anyway. I also asked Mrs. Story if I should draw a wall that is very close to the right side of me. She said yes, so I hope to add that, the ceiling, and the floor in my next few classes. When I am done with those, I will then touch up on my details. I am really pleased with how well I am drawing this. I know that in the beginning of the semester, I would have said that I could not draw this. But, it has become so much easier now and I was surprised at how fast I can draw the hallway, get the right perspectives, and draw the left wall. This drawing definitely reflects my learning in this class and I am happy that it has turned out well. I'm excited to add on more parts to this drawing and see how it will turn out. :)
    Today, we started on a new project. But this drawing is a practice of what we will be drawing the next time we have class. What we will be drawing is a perspective of the inside of the Upper School from inside the back hallway (where the cafeteria is). Everyone can draw different things; i.e. I am drawing the wall and hallway that goes towards the front of the building, while other people are drawing the doors to the cafe, the hallway to the gym, or the doors that go outside. So, we're not limited in drawing one thing, which I like because then everyone's drawing will be a little different and not just the same thing. But, I decided to draw the hallway and wall that goes towards the front of the building. I chose this spot not only because one other person is drawing the same thing, but instead, I really like the view that I have from my perspective. of the one, nice hallway and wall to the left of it. So, I started with drawing the hallway, in which I used the one-point perspective and drew all my lines to that one point. I decided to go ahead and fill in the details to make it look more realistic (because this is for practice anyway,) but I really like how my drawing has looked, so far. I made my proportions right and I made it the right size. I think it's a little crooked on the page, so I will have to fix that, but over all, I really like how it is coming out. I actually like this drawing better than the theater because with the theater, you are closer up to it and with this drawing you are farther away so you have a better feel of what/how you should draw it. But, I will definitely want to keep where I am in the building but just make my drawing look even better next time.